The development of deep learning models in medical image analysis is majorly limited by the lack of large-sized and well-annotated datasets. Unsupervised learning does not require labels and is more suitable for solving medical image analysis problems. However, most of the current unsupervised learning methods need to be applied to large datasets. To make unsupervised learning applicable to small datasets, we proposed Swin MAE, which is a masked autoencoder with Swin Transformer as its backbone. Even on a dataset of only a few thousand medical images and without using any pre-trained models, Swin MAE is still able to learn useful semantic features purely from images. It can equal or even slightly outperform the supervised model obtained by Swin Transformer trained on ImageNet in terms of the transfer learning results of downstream tasks. The code will be publicly available soon.
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This paper presents SimVTP: a Simple Video-Text Pretraining framework via masked autoencoders. We randomly mask out the spatial-temporal tubes of input video and the word tokens of input text and then feed them into a unified autencoder to reconstruct the missing pixels and words. Our SimVTP has several properties: 1) Thanks to the unified autoencoder, SimVTP reconstructs the masked signal of one modality with the help from another modality, which implicitly learns the cross-modal alignment between video tubes and text tokens. 2) SimVTP not only benefits from a high video masking ratio (e.g. 90%) due to the temporal redundancy of video, but also needs a high text masking ratio (e.g. 75%), which is much higher than BERT (e.g. 15%), to achieve optimal performance. This is because the aid of video modality makes text reconstruction less challenging, which thus needs a higher mask ratio to make the pretext harder for useful feature learning. 3) Equipping SimVTP with video-text contrastive learning (VTC) and video-text matching (VTM), which are two commonly used cross-modal training strategies, could further improve the transferable performance significantly. 4) SimVTP is dataefficent, e.g., pre-training only on 10% data of WebVid-2M, SimVTP achieves surprisingly good results (43.8 R@1) on MSRVTT, which is far above recent state-of-the-art methods pre-trained on both CC3M and WebVid-2M. We transfer our pre-trained model to various downstream tasks and achieve superior performance. The codes and models will be released at
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We present a data-driven framework to automate the vectorization and machine interpretation of 2D engineering part drawings. In industrial settings, most manufacturing engineers still rely on manual reads to identify the topological and manufacturing requirements from drawings submitted by designers. The interpretation process is laborious and time-consuming, which severely inhibits the efficiency of part quotation and manufacturing tasks. While recent advances in image-based computer vision methods have demonstrated great potential in interpreting natural images through semantic segmentation approaches, the application of such methods in parsing engineering technical drawings into semantically accurate components remains a significant challenge. The severe pixel sparsity in engineering drawings also restricts the effective featurization of image-based data-driven methods. To overcome these challenges, we propose a deep learning based framework that predicts the semantic type of each vectorized component. Taking a raster image as input, we vectorize all components through thinning, stroke tracing, and cubic bezier fitting. Then a graph of such components is generated based on the connectivity between the components. Finally, a graph convolutional neural network is trained on this graph data to identify the semantic type of each component. We test our framework in the context of semantic segmentation of text, dimension and, contour components in engineering drawings. Results show that our method yields the best performance compared to recent image, and graph-based segmentation methods.
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联合学习(FL)可以培训全球模型,而无需共享存储在多个设备上的分散的原始数据以保护数据隐私。由于设备的能力多样化,FL框架难以解决Straggler效应和过时模型的问题。此外,数据异质性在FL训练过程中会导致全球模型的严重准确性降解。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了一个层次同步FL框架,即Fedhisyn。 Fedhisyn首先根据其计算能力将所有可​​用的设备簇分为少数类别。经过一定的本地培训间隔后,将不同类别培训的模型同时上传到中央服务器。在单个类别中,设备根据环形拓扑会相互传达局部更新的模型权重。随着环形拓扑中训练的效率更喜欢具有均匀资源的设备,基于计算能力的分类减轻了Straggler效应的影响。此外,多个类别的同步更新与单个类别中的设备通信的组合有助于解决数据异质性问题,同时达到高精度。我们评估了基于MNIST,EMNIST,CIFAR10和CIFAR100数据集的提议框架以及设备的不同异质设置。实验结果表明,在训练准确性和效率方面,Fedhisyn的表现优于六种基线方法,例如FedAvg,脚手架和Fedat。
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通过在测量$ \ kappa $ -space中进行亚采样,加速MRI缩短了采集时间。从次采样测量中恢复高保真解剖图像需要两个组件之间的密切合作:(1)选择子采样模式的采样器和(2)从不完整测量中恢复图像的重建器。在本文中,我们利用了MRI测量的顺序性质,并提出了一个完全可区分的框架,该框架共同学习与重建策略的顺序采样策略。该共同设计的框架能够在获取过程中适应,以捕获特定目标的最有用的测量结果。 FastMRI膝盖数据集的实验结果表明,所提出的方法在抽样过程中成功利用了中间信息来提高重建性能。特别是,我们提出的方法可以胜过当前最新的$ \ kappa $ - 空间采样基线,超过96%的测试样品。我们还研究了顺序采样和共同设计策略的个人和集体利益。
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Few Shot Instance Segmentation (FSIS) requires models to detect and segment novel classes with limited several support examples. In this work, we explore a simple yet unified solution for FSIS as well as its incremental variants, and introduce a new framework named Reference Twice (RefT) to fully explore the relationship between support/query features based on a Transformer-like framework. Our key insights are two folds: Firstly, with the aid of support masks, we can generate dynamic class centers more appropriately to re-weight query features. Secondly, we find that support object queries have already encoded key factors after base training. In this way, the query features can be enhanced twice from two aspects, i.e., feature-level and instance-level. In particular, we firstly design a mask-based dynamic weighting module to enhance support features and then propose to link object queries for better calibration via cross-attention. After the above steps, the novel classes can be improved significantly over our strong baseline. Additionally, our new framework can be easily extended to incremental FSIS with minor modification. When benchmarking results on the COCO dataset for FSIS, gFSIS, and iFSIS settings, our method achieves a competitive performance compared to existing approaches across different shots, e.g., we boost nAP by noticeable +8.2/+9.4 over the current state-of-the-art FSIS method for 10/30-shot. We further demonstrate the superiority of our approach on Few Shot Object Detection. Code and model will be available.
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Benefiting from the intrinsic supervision information exploitation capability, contrastive learning has achieved promising performance in the field of deep graph clustering recently. However, we observe that two drawbacks of the positive and negative sample construction mechanisms limit the performance of existing algorithms from further improvement. 1) The quality of positive samples heavily depends on the carefully designed data augmentations, while inappropriate data augmentations would easily lead to the semantic drift and indiscriminative positive samples. 2) The constructed negative samples are not reliable for ignoring important clustering information. To solve these problems, we propose a Cluster-guided Contrastive deep Graph Clustering network (CCGC) by mining the intrinsic supervision information in the high-confidence clustering results. Specifically, instead of conducting complex node or edge perturbation, we construct two views of the graph by designing special Siamese encoders whose weights are not shared between the sibling sub-networks. Then, guided by the high-confidence clustering information, we carefully select and construct the positive samples from the same high-confidence cluster in two views. Moreover, to construct semantic meaningful negative sample pairs, we regard the centers of different high-confidence clusters as negative samples, thus improving the discriminative capability and reliability of the constructed sample pairs. Lastly, we design an objective function to pull close the samples from the same cluster while pushing away those from other clusters by maximizing and minimizing the cross-view cosine similarity between positive and negative samples. Extensive experimental results on six datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of CCGC compared with the existing state-of-the-art algorithms.
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In robust Markov decision processes (MDPs), the uncertainty in the transition kernel is addressed by finding a policy that optimizes the worst-case performance over an uncertainty set of MDPs. While much of the literature has focused on discounted MDPs, robust average-reward MDPs remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we focus on robust average-reward MDPs, where the goal is to find a policy that optimizes the worst-case average reward over an uncertainty set. We first take an approach that approximates average-reward MDPs using discounted MDPs. We prove that the robust discounted value function converges to the robust average-reward as the discount factor $\gamma$ goes to $1$, and moreover, when $\gamma$ is large, any optimal policy of the robust discounted MDP is also an optimal policy of the robust average-reward. We further design a robust dynamic programming approach, and theoretically characterize its convergence to the optimum. Then, we investigate robust average-reward MDPs directly without using discounted MDPs as an intermediate step. We derive the robust Bellman equation for robust average-reward MDPs, prove that the optimal policy can be derived from its solution, and further design a robust relative value iteration algorithm that provably finds its solution, or equivalently, the optimal robust policy.
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We introduce a new tool for stochastic convex optimization (SCO): a Reweighted Stochastic Query (ReSQue) estimator for the gradient of a function convolved with a (Gaussian) probability density. Combining ReSQue with recent advances in ball oracle acceleration [CJJJLST20, ACJJS21], we develop algorithms achieving state-of-the-art complexities for SCO in parallel and private settings. For a SCO objective constrained to the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^d$, we obtain the following results (up to polylogarithmic factors). We give a parallel algorithm obtaining optimization error $\epsilon_{\text{opt}}$ with $d^{1/3}\epsilon_{\text{opt}}^{-2/3}$ gradient oracle query depth and $d^{1/3}\epsilon_{\text{opt}}^{-2/3} + \epsilon_{\text{opt}}^{-2}$ gradient queries in total, assuming access to a bounded-variance stochastic gradient estimator. For $\epsilon_{\text{opt}} \in [d^{-1}, d^{-1/4}]$, our algorithm matches the state-of-the-art oracle depth of [BJLLS19] while maintaining the optimal total work of stochastic gradient descent. We give an $(\epsilon_{\text{dp}}, \delta)$-differentially private algorithm which, given $n$ samples of Lipschitz loss functions, obtains near-optimal optimization error and makes $\min(n, n^2\epsilon_{\text{dp}}^2 d^{-1}) + \min(n^{4/3}\epsilon_{\text{dp}}^{1/3}, (nd)^{2/3}\epsilon_{\text{dp}}^{-1})$ queries to the gradients of these functions. In the regime $d \le n \epsilon_{\text{dp}}^{2}$, where privacy comes at no cost in terms of the optimal loss up to constants, our algorithm uses $n + (nd)^{2/3}\epsilon_{\text{dp}}^{-1}$ queries and improves recent advancements of [KLL21, AFKT21]. In the moderately low-dimensional setting $d \le \sqrt n \epsilon_{\text{dp}}^{3/2}$, our query complexity is near-linear.
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